Definitely not here! Woke up to -6º this morning. Our house is well insulated but the furnace is still struggling to keep up. Somehow the thermostat got turned down to 68º and when I crawled out of bed I at first thought the furnace had quit. Amazing how much difference 4º can make in the way it feels. We normally keep it on 72º all year round. We seldom have below zero temps here. Don't even have that much freezing weather in a normal winter. If I didn't have so many quilts in my head (and on my shelves) wanting to be finished I'd get back in bed and stay there until at least mid-March.
On the other hand..the forcast is that we will actually be in the 50's by this weekend. So maybe I'm over-reacting..ya think?
It is almost like you are back in Iowa! We are looking at highs in the 20's today. Thank God! This week-end it is supposed to be in the 30's and by next week possibly 50's. Bring on the mud!
we keep ours at 68 in the winter and it is struggling to keep up too, it is up to 13 outside right now!
Wow, that is cold. Stay warm!
I hear ya on trying to keep the house warm in those temps. Once we get above zero the house feels comfortable at 68. We too are heading for a warm up....I hope it stays the rest of the winter!
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