A couple days ago she had a recipe for a red pepper, asparagus and spinach quiche. The picture looked so scrumptious I had to try it right away!
Of course I never make anything exactly like a recipe shows and this was no exception. First of all I used frozen asparagus because for us, without access to home grown, frozen is always top quality vs. what's available in the grocery store. Instead of fresh spinach I used frozen CREAMED spinach (which I use often) and omitted the yogurt. Lastly I used an Italian cheese mix. And I make my own crusts..have circles of dough in my freezer all the time.
My pictures aren't nearly as nice as Lydia's..but it sure tasted good!
We loved, loved, loved it! Next time I will use a stronger cheese (maybe Swiss?) and add a couple more eggs. I will definitely make this again and again.
Be sure and check out the original recipe here. Thanks, Lydia, for sharing!

I love that site!!
Oooo yummy!! I'm going to have to tour that site. I love collecting recipies almost as much as collecting fabric LOL.
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