I'm usually pretty organzied..sometimes too much so. I love receiving siggies and I normally follow a pretty set routine when a new one comes in the mail.....
I enter it on a spreadsheet
I scan it
I post it to my Photobucket album of siggies
I blog about it
I file it in a sleeve in a three ring binder waiting for the day I put them all together in a quilt
That is what I NORMALLY do.
Yesterday I was looking at my spreadsheet and thought we (Tom and I both swap) had never received a siggie from a March trade with Susan in Texas. I checked all the above. I looked around my computer. Nope, no siggies. So I emailed Susan. She said "Are you sure?" Yep, I was sure.
But it kept nagging at me, so today I visited Susan's blog and looked for a picture of her siggie. When I saw the fabric I knew we had recieved them. So I started digging again. And guess what I found? Yep..buried deep underneath some papers right in front of me at the computer.
Duh............boy do I feel stupid! Luckily Susan wasn't going to send more until this weekend.
So much for my "organization", huh?
Here's Susan's terrific siggy, commemorating her love of Texas.

Hiding right there on the computer desk, sounds like what happens to me too. Great siggy block.
I felt the same way when I sent my Mini Star Explosion quilt to Theresa. Now we've been emailing for months and everything has come through. It had been about 2 weeks and I didn't see an email about her receiving the quilt. What did I do? I asked her if it came and of course her reply was "yes, I e-mailed you to let you know, yada, yada." Well, would you know the e-mail was in my spam folder which I never check. I felt about as tall as two inches. These things some times happens, no matter how organized.
The horse is very fitting for Texas.
Something similar happened to me (except they were old siggies) and after looking high and low, I found them, but oh my, what a sick feeling I had when I thought that they were lost. So very glad that you found yours.
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