Judy L has suggested we share pics of our stash and sewing rooms as an incentive to both downsize the stash and get better organized. I've been working hard to reduce the stash for over a year now and have actually made some progress though one wouldn't think that from looking at these pics. And this doesn't include the fabric in dresser drawers in another room. Still I know I've made a dent and that's what counts!
Mainly I decided to participate in showing pics because I need to be shamed into straightening the room up. It's out of control again and I need to spend a few days straightening things up. Every time I start I get sidetracked by stopping to work on something or other. Those blocks on the pieced of flannel are one of my latest detours. I've decided I want to make a "Remembering Grandma" quilt with a dark background.
We were sad to say goodbye to our grandson, Greg and his wife, Eve, this morning. They are headed to his new assignment at Ft. Carson, CO. Visits are never long enough with family.
Forget the stash! Look at all those ribbons. Hopefully you'll get to visit with your grandson and his wife again before too long.
wow look at that stash - mine is so small in comparison - but I like it like that :)
I cleaned and organized my room the other night but that post is coming....
Can I come and play in your stash?
You may have quite a stash there, but at least your are organized, all color coordinated. I like that and wish I had the space. And look at all those blue ribbons! Great job!
My goodness you have a large stash, and I loved seeing your sewing area.
That stash looks wonderful to me!
I see lots of ribbons. Is that from prize winning quilts?
OMG, it is a great stash ! I love the ribbons on the walls !
OMG Mary look at all the ribbons you have. How wonderful. And then theres your stash well I think you have as much as a small quilt store. Maybe we can all go shopping. Well I know we don't have to think what does your husband say I know he enjoys it now that hes quilting. Thanks for sharing
O sorry I forgot to say that I'm sorry to hear your grandson is leaving. Thank goodness that we have the phone system and the internet to keep in contact. Think about years before it was only the mail because long distance was to expensive and the mail took so long to get there.
I think it's breathtaking! I bet you have fun in there! I know I would!
I have seen Mary's stash firsthand and it is just amazing! I love all the ribbons gracing your sewing area. Now with Tom quilting those ribbons are going to double. Ny the way, Tom looked great - so rested. I guess retirement is serving him well!
LOL, yep a "little" straightening is in order but we quilters need our chaos to keep the juices flowing. I am humbled by the number of ribbons you have won!!!
What fantastic natural light you have in your quilting area! How many machines do I see in there 3, perhaps 4? What a wonderful space!
I see on your sidebar that you've made the Sylvia's Bridal Sampler also. Had to watch the slideshow! No wonder you have so many ribbons...
I'm going to be hanging mine when I can find them. Thanks for the inspiration.
I'm astounded by all the ribbons but also by all the space you have. Wonderful! blessings, marlene
That's an impressive stash, Mary, and all color coordinated!
I'm going to ask for a moment of humble silence to appreciate the HOLY SMOKES overwhelming stash you have. Wow.
Now that's a great stash and WOW look at them ribbons!!!!! Thanks for sharing and happy stitchin.
WOW!!! you have a wonderful stash, I'm extremely envious of the natural light you have and my goodness looking at your ribbons this is a room where beauty is created. Thank you so much for sharing your room.
hugs Peg x
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