In the meantime...made another Dutch Treat block. This one is called "Order". I don't know where some of these names come from???????
I think I've mentioned that my grandmother, who raised me, quilted a bit. But what she did mostly was crochet. I swear she had a crochet hook in her hand five minutes after waking and five minutes before going to sleep (and sometimes she fell asleep while crocheting). She made hundreds, if not thousands of items and I'm blessed to have a few. I think I know where I inherited my love of scrap quilts and using up every last bit of fabric. This crocheted afghan of Grandma's demonstrates that principle with yarn. Isn't it colorful? I think the pattern would be a great art quilt done in fabric.
Oh Mary, your grandmother's quilt is wonderful. You are so lucky to have some things to remember her by.
I've wondered about the names of the blocks too...actually, I don't really see a need for naming them but maybe there was a reason, maybe her publisher made her do it LOL.
glad to hear you are doing alright Mary, I noticed you hadn't been posting, but I skip days also and hoped you were alright.
The daffodils are drooping here to, one day we went from 72 for a high to the very next day the high was 36! the weatherman promises spring will be back on Sunday!
Your grandmothers afghan is wonderful, love all the colors and you are so lucky to have it. Gald you are well....and I miss spring flowers...although I have this tree outside my front door, I forgot the name, it puts off this fragrance that is out of this world.
Mary, I love your grandmother's afghan. I have several things that my grandmother crocheted too - mostly doilies. They all remind me of her, and how much I loved going to the farm and seeing her.
Your grandmother's afghan is so great, I love how she used up left overs. I have one afghan my granny made me, but it is not as beautiful as yours, (just the same three colors lol). My hubby has just received his afghan (from his moms storage)that his granny made him. It's so pretty and colorful, I think I´ll take photos and post about them.
Your grandmother's afghan is beautiful Mary and a great memory of her for you. Yes it would make a great quilt design. hugs Elly
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