We've had a picnic going on in the house today. Tom has been busily working on his Teddy Bear's Picnic quilt that he started a couple years ago. Last I checked he was chain piecing more HST's and commented that if voyagers and fur traders could festoon themselves with bear paws, he supposed crazy quilters could do the same!
He's really making progress and those points are looking pretty darn good! He said if he has any brain cells left after piecing this many HST's, he doesn't think anything about quilting will scare him again.
It's going to be a great quilt!

So glad to hear that your grandson is home safe and sound! Happy 4th of July!
Yay!! He's home! (and, wow - Belgium is very cool - sounds like you'll need to visit him there!)
I just *love* that your Tom is making a quilt. :D I will be surprised if I don't get Scott to make one some day when he's not working 60 hrs per week. But that will be years from now.
Glad to hear your grandson is home for some time with family. I can't wait to see what Tom is doing. I love your thread holder does it work better then the ones you get at like Joannes.
Welcome home to your "boy"!! I'm very proud of Tom, no way can this girl do good HST's LOL.
Glad your grandson is home - a sigh of relief I am sure.
How wonderful that your husband likes to sew quilts too. It is a great way to fill the hours of the day...I presume he is retired. Did he sew as a child or did he learn to sew as an adult? Always think it is interesting to find out how everyone learned to sew or when they started sewing.
So happy to hear your Grandson is home safely from his tour of duty!
Belgium sounds wonderful after 2 tours in war zones.
Hope your holiday weekend was wonderful!
Congratulation on having your grandson home safe. Belgium is a nice place.
I chose to make HST quilts for all four of my kids soon after I started quilting. Not knowing it's supposed to be difficult I did okay. Didn't touch a triangle for a long time after though. LOL.
Looks like Tom is doing just super.
I enjoyed reading your ppost
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